After months of working with Surrey University’s Dr Steven Lockley to adapt the SAFER nights survey for health and social care staff, we are delighted to report that on 26th September at St Georges Hospital Footesteps took a leap closer. The launch of the SAFER survey on the Footesteps website for hospital staff was met with great interest and staff in person and online shared their experiences of night working. Dr Lockley addressed nurses and doctors as part of their Lunch and Learn programme. He covered areas such as:
Optimal Rotas
Diet and Exercise
Circadian Rhythms
Sleep cycle napping
Lighting and alertness
Following the SAFER launch, we met with leads for Staff Health and Wellbeing and Fundraising with a view to introducing an alert-lighting replacement programme for communal and staff areas and also shared plans to pilot rota reviews to assess impact on health and sick absence etc.
Find out more and gain access to the SAFER programme here
